The Magazine
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- Health benefits of vegetables
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- Louis Bonduelle Conference
- Plant-based proteins
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Maisonnette des Parents : Vegetable Gardens for Everyone
A Montreal organization creates vegetable gardens and offers cooking workshops to encourage children...

Eat vegetables daily to reduce stress
Daily consumption of vegetables contributes to a reduction in the prevalence of psychological distre...

Légumothèque: Observing and understanding the life cycle of edible plants: from seed to seed
The Légumothèque at Royaumont Abbey has been open to the public since the start of September thanks ...

Hubert Cormier shares his passion for pulses with us!
Pulses are making a comeback and seem to be all over the media lately. First and foremost, because o...

Légumineuses & Cie: now you too can cook like Hubert Cormier!
Have no idea how to cook pulses? Then let Hubert Cormier, a nutritionist from Quebec, change your mi...

The huge global food wastage footprint
Every year, 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted or lost around the world! This figure is particularl...

Eat more vegetables, lower the risk of dying from cancer
One of the recommendations of the French cancer prevention awareness campaign is to eat more vegetab...

Just 25% of the French eat their 5-a-day
People in France are failing to eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. ...

Pupils have fun growing their own vegetables!
Since the start of the 2016/2017 school year, the association Maison de la Nature et de l’Environnem...

Allotments: beneficial in deprived neighbourhoods?
A recent INRA study of the advantages of community gardens in deprived neighbourhoods in France has ...

Discovery workshops on fruits and vegetables and environmental awareness for 90 pupils from France and Italy
The objective of the Franco-Italian foundation ELIC is to boost awareness, through educational work...

More and more vegetables on Montreal buildings
In recent years, urban agriculture has become a growing movement in Montreal with scores of fresh ve...