Healthy tips and cooking

Healthy tips and cooking

The top food trends for 2024

Here we are in 2024 already! Time to take a look at the tastiest food trends coming up in the year a...

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Healthy tips and cooking

How to switch to a sustainable diet

Sustainable food is a global challenge, but it is also within everyone’s reach! With some common sen...

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Healthy tips and cooking
5 per day-5-par-jour

5 Per Day is a Piece of Cake!

It is easy to eat 5 per day — any kind of fruit and vegetable counts! A serving weighs at least 80 g...

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Healthy tips and cooking

Not a Minute to Lose?

When you're getting home from work late, or your friends show up unexpectedly, or your children comp...

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Healthy tips and cooking
snacks-Des snacks sains à base de légumes

Healthy, Vegetable-Based Snacks

It is easy to always have in-season vegetables ready to enjoy or take with you anywhere. You can pre...

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Healthy tips and cooking
raw vegetables-legumes-cuits-crus

Raw or Cooked Vegetables?

Eating raw vegetables helps you obtain certain vitamins that are sensitive to heat, while eating coo...

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Healthy tips and cooking
Ready-to-Use Vegetables-legumes-prets-a-l-emploi-lexique

Glossary of Ready-to-Use Vegetables

Ready-to-use vegetables are quickly packaged after they are harvested so that they are well preserve...

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