Every year, the Louis Bonduelle Foundation conference mobilises players involved in changes in dietary habits. Experts and project leaders share their knowledge and passion about a specific theme. Take a look behind the scenes at the conference.
Backstage at the event
The Louis Bonduelle Foundation has organised this annual conference since 2008. It is chance to take stock, in order to provide information and raise awareness on a current theme linked to dietary behaviour. By way of example, here are the numerous topical subjects tackled at the Foundation’s last ten conferences:
- nutrition and precariousness (2008 Conference)
- childhood and nutrition (2009 Conference)
- the consumption of fruit and vegetables (2010 Conference)
- nutrition: yesterday, today and tomorrow (2011 Conference)
- nutrition and ageing well (2012 Conference)
- nutrition and adolescence (2013 Conference)
- food waste (2014 Conference)
- the senses, drivers of dietary choices (2015 Conference)
- pulses (2016 Conference)
- the evolution of food cultures (2017 Conference)
The mission of the Louis Bonduelle Foundation is to contribute to the evolution of daily dietary habits, particularly by means of the conferences.
Support the research and those involved in it
Besides the specific, practical campaigns it supports, the mission of the Louis Bonduelle Foundation is to encourage research at national and international levels. With the €1,220,000 it has already provided, the Foundation supports scientific advances relating to diet in several disciplines, including medicine, nutrition, sociology and agronomy, in order to advance knowledge in the field of sustainable nutrition.
Every year at the conference, the Foundation presents the Louis Bonduelle Research Award to young researchers under the age of 35 who are writing a thesis at a university or college. For the Foundation, it is essential that knowledge facilitating sustainable diets continues to advance.
The latest award winner was Jacynthe Lafrenière from the Université Laval (Quebec – Canada), in recognition of her work on the “development and validation of methodological tools to measure compliance with nutritional recommendations”.