Results of a study on the eating habits of university students


Manger RUsé (Eat Smart), a project funded by the Louis Bonduelle Foundation during its call for projects in the winter of 2009-2010, is a programme run by the Service de Santé Universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand (Department of Health of Clermont-Ferrand University) on the eating habits of students on university campuses. As part of this programme, a survey was conducted and subsequent actions have been taken as a result.

The results of this survey were presented at the last Journées Francophones Nutrition (Francophone Nutrition Days) in Reims, France, in December 2011.

Of the 266 questionnaires that were received (52% women and 48% men), 7.8% of the surveyed population is underweight (especially women) and 10.7% is overweight (more frequently for men).
67% of respondents believe that the “balanced menu” offered all week at the university cafeteria could help students to eat better and thus protect their health.
96% of students agree that a balanced daily diet has a positive impact on their health.