How to eat more plant-based food in just 30 days

One month, one challenge: eat more plant-based food, effortlessly. Shopping, taste, preparation… we’ll give you the tips and tricks you need to reach your goal step by step. We promise simple actions and tasty dishes, without upsetting your habits. Satisfy your taste buds, your health needs and those of the planet.

Are you ready? Let’s do this together!  

Week #1: Add ingredients to your menu, instead of eliminating them.

Week #2: Learn to enjoy vegetables and get your kids to do so too.

Week #3: Put plant-based foods at the top of your list and at the centre of your table!

Week #4: Move from change to habit.

We don’t need to remind you of the benefits of a plant-based diet. While we are all aware of the pros, eating sufficient plant-based foods isn’t as straighforward. In this article, we’ll guide you to take action and ensure an easy and effortless transition. Simple everyday things that you can do to enjoy delicious meals without spending too much time in the kitchen.

Why should we eat more plant-based food? For health and sustainability. Read all our articles on the subject 

Week #1 | Add ingredients instead of eliminating them

Do you have meat with every meal? Don’t force yourself to stop. Depriving yourself increases the risk of falling back into old habits. The key to long-term change is to take it a step at a time, to create new habits without disrupting old ones overnight. The key is to learn to appreciate plant-based foods, to get the whole family to enjoy them (including children), and to understand how to prepare these products without any extra effort.

Recommended plant-based foods: vegetables, fruit, pulses, nuts, seeds and wholegrains.  

How do you go about it? Follow the tips below during the first week. Choose one tip to try each day: 

1. Eat fruit every day

Start off with 1 piece of fruit a day if you didn’t eat any before, then increase your fruit portion to 2-3 servings a day. What is a portion? What Does “5 Servings per Day” Mean? Find out here! 

2. Include nuts at breakfast 

(Low-sugar) cereals, pancakes, granola or smoothies: add a handful of fruit of your choice and a few nuts and you’re all set.

3. Eat vegetables at lunch

A soup, raw vegetables, or grilled vegetables in a sandwich, a salad, leftovers from the day before …   

4. Serve a half plate of vegetables at dinner

Choose the vegetables first, then the accompaniment. For example: 


5. Serve up some pulses as an appetiser 

6. Offer vegetables with drinks, and/or have them as a snack


7. Use wholegrain instead of refined cereals

Go for brown rice, wholemeal pasta, bulgur, wholemeal bread, etc.


WEEK #2 | Learn to enjoy vegetables!

Yes, you can make children love vegetables! Did you know that you need to try a new food repeatedly (up to 10-15 times) before you can really tell if you like it or not? The colour, the smell, the taste, the feel, the texture in your mouth… everything is new and it takes time to get used to it. While most vegetables are familiar to adults, some people have never had them. Don’t jump to conclusions after trying just once. 

My child is familiar with vegetables but still won’t eat them, what can I do? There are several options, and not just for the little ones. There are picky eaters in every age group.

  • Start with ‘easier’ vegetables, which don’t have a strong taste: carrots, courgettes, pumpkin, tomatoes (raw and cooked), green beans, etc.
  • Children like eating with their hands: offer them some vegetables in a bowl as a snack. 
  • Add vegetables to a dish they love, for example, spinach-ricotta blinis, mashed potatoes and celery or hot dogs with courgettes
  • Include them in a bake, quiche or stuffing, or make a kind of puree.
  • Present them differently: cut them into chips, bake them in the oven and serve them up in a carton like fries (like these pumpkin chips for example), arrange them into shapes on the plate, serve them with a dipping sauce (ketchup, tzatziki, mayonnaise …) or make them into dumplings mixed with meat or mashed chickpeas.
  • Do not reward children for eating vegetables. If eating vegetables deserves a reward, this can give the impression they are not good. Instead, reward them for finishing their whole plate or for good table manners.


Did you know? It’s best never to use sweets as a reward for the same reason. This can give the idea that sweets are sacred and can cause uncontrolled cravings. Instead, reward with an outing, a nice movie or some other activity the child enjoys. 

This article may interest you: Plant-based foods: a base for nutrition at every age 

My child suffers from neophobia towards a certain food, what can I do? Bring them into contact with the ingredient without forcing them. Let them get close to the product, touch it with their hands, then with their mouth, without forcing them to eat it. Give them time to get used to it and play with it. Try a mouthful and continue in this way, little by little, without forcing anything.

WEEK #3 | Think ‘plant-based’ first 

The greatest risk with plant-based food is not thinking about it. To eat more plant-based food all you need is a reminder. But how can you go about it?

  1. Think about it when you go shopping: put it at the top of your shopping list. 
  2. Make sure to fill almost half your shopping trolley with plant-based foods.
  3. Always have vegetables, fruit, nuts and pulses at home.
  4. Keep a fruit basket somewhere prominent. For example, always leave it on the table or the work bench. 
  5. Keep nuts in your car, so you can eat them whenever you are hungry.
  6. Always keep veggie bags in your shopping bag.
  7. Prepare a weekly menu and include vegetables in each main course. 

Tips for students: 


  • Raw vegetables are always a good idea and require zero effort. 
  • You can always cook in your microwave, for example diced celery: cook it at maximum temperature for 6 minutes with a dash of soy sauce, honey and spices.
  • Have you ever thought of using the sandwich toaster? Cut an aubergine into 1-2 cm slices and toast them on maximum heat for 6-7 minutes. Add tomato sauce and mozzarella, for example. 
  • Frozen and canned vegetables are a great alternative, always in stock, easy and quick to prepare. Moreover, thanks to the canning and freezing process, the vegetables and pulses keep their freshness and nutritional benefits for longer.  

“A plate full of taste, fibre and protein from 

plant sources, gives you an energy boost!”


WEEK #4 | Move from change to habit 

Falling back into your old food habits? Don’t worry, it’s normal. The important thing is to realise it and react in time. Our advice: 

  1. Stick post-it reminders on the fridge, in the car, in your shopping bag… 
  2. Ask the other members of the family to remember: together, you can do it!
  3. Remind yourself of why you want to adopt a more plant-based diet.
  4. Start the challenge again from week one.
  5. Find yummy recipes that include plant-based foods.  
  6. Make a daily checklist with benchmarks. 

To ensure a healthy diet for nearly 10 billion people in 2050, and according to the diet established by the EAT Lancet Commission, we should eat: 

  • 300 g of vegetables/day 
  • 200 g of fruit/day
  • 75 g of pulses/day 
  • 50 g of nuts and seeds/day 
  • …  

Find out more on the food transition